November 13th, 2017


WOD – “Reverse Jackie”

30 Pull ups
50 Thrusters (45/35)
1k Row
For time

WOD Brief

Nothing better than taking a classic CrossFit workout and putting a twist on it. Here we get to hit the pull ups fresh, so go big. The thrusters are one big set, and the row .. well, as we say in the Endurance class, burn it down. Go for broke, and let’s see how our numbers land.

We super set our skill work to prime for the row and hit a higher count back squat today. Hold to the programmed rest times – they are there for a purpose.

 Box Brief
Thursday we are having our Potlock Friends-Giving event at 6:30pm, no 7pm class
Member surveys were emailed Sunday and are posted on Facebook, new hours starting next week for our late evening class are part of the details
Thanksgiving week hours are reduced Wed, Thur, Fri, and Saturday. Please keep an eye out for the schedule. Thursday will be a big WOD.
Practice reserving your spot in class, ask a coach. Videos are posted. This will allow us to ensure we have the right amount of coaches for every class and ensure NBK is serving you in the best manner possible.


Friends-Giving November 16th – RSVP & share your cooking talents!
December 3rd – NBK Yoga class at LiveURYoga studio, sign-up online! 50% off savings. Focus is on CrossFit athlete problem areas

December 9th – Gymnastics Clinic by Power Monkey team and CrossFit Games Athlete (register online)
Holiday December Party – Beautiful Dinner and Social Event, to be announced


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