Tuesday, June 26th 2018


Dead lift

WOD “Bumblebee”

200m run
12 Kb Snatch
12 cal Row
12 KB OH lunges (1 arm)

WOD Brief

Continuing on our linear strength progressions we’ll hit the dead lift today. Please review your achievements from prior training and let’s build on them today. If this movement is new to you, let’s focus on technique and then adjust to fit our goals.

The workout today is a longer effort. While Monday was a sprint and hang on to the red line, today is a bit lower target heart rate (if Monday was 110% of max then today is closer to 90-95%). We’ll complete a 200m run (laps around the building or the true form if free) .. this should be pretty quick – maybe 40-60 seconds of quick movement straight into – 12 kettlebell snatches (complete even work per hand, so aim for 6 per hand; no need for the bell to touch the ground). The row is fast and quick, finally the same kettlebell will be used for overhead lunges (6 on each side).

Here are some tips to complete the KB Snatch

  • Press through your heels, extend your legs, hips and back firing the glutes. As your torso becomes upright, allow the KB to travel past the traditional swing height and draw the elbows back. This will help accelerate the KB into a proper position for hand insertion.
  • The moment you feel your arms are free of load, insert your hands into the kettlebell handle at a 45-degree angle thumbs up and relax your grip The kettlebell should continue to accelerate over your head.
  • Quickly straighten your arms. This action pushes the kettlebell to land softly on your arms.
  • All movement ceases when the kettlebell reach the top position. Wrists and elbows should be straight, thumbs pointing back.
  • Pause for a moment overhead, then lower the bell. Turn your hands out so the thumbs rotate away as you simultaneously drop your torso back deflecting from the bells as they descend.
  • As the kettlebell move past your chest, allow your hands to rotate to the thumbs back position. Re-grip the kettlebell as the back of your arms contact your chest, which is when your hands should be about at waist level, or the beginning of the back swing.
  • Hinge at the hips and allow the kettlebell to decelerate to the end of the back swing with proper torso drop to further posterior chain engagement. Repeat for reps.

Credit to the PM Coaches for teaching me these tips.

Box Brief

High School Athletic Program has officially launched! Excited to be the headquarters for one of the leading athletic program in the State. Plus how fun will it be for us to train alongside these athletes!

Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy. We’ll crosspost it with you.

Monday, June 25th 2018

WOD Prep

Build to a moderate Hang Squat Clean

WOD “GG #4”

Hang Squat Clean
Bag Facing Burpee

WOD Brief

Lots happening today … the WOD Prep will get us prepared for the sprint that is the Granite Games workout. It is a simple couplet of hang squat cleans and then bar facing burpees. Athlete’s will deadlift the bar and then perform the prescribed repetitions of both movements.

The weights allow for all skill levels, so don’t worry about the movements. We are looking to hit the red line of intensity and stand upon it as if we were on Mount Everest until the workout is finished. This workout starts at 3 reps and goes up to 12 .. allowing you to the then finish with less and less required reps per movement.

Dumbbells, air squats, and many adjustments can be made to accomplish the training intent here – speed speed speed..

For those who just completed this workout, the GG #3 workout is a second choice, and your coach can help you setup. Focus on the best training for you today, work as a class to achieve the goal, and let’s start Monday off strong!

Box Brief

High School Athletic Program has officially launched! Excited to be the headquarters for one of the leading athletic program in the State. Plus how fun will it be for us to train alongside these athletes!

Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy. We’ll crosspost it with you.

Friday, June 22nd 2018

Strength Complex

Power Clean and 3 Push Press

WOD “Grace”

30 C&J (135/95)
for time

WOD Brief

We will work through a complex of a power clean and then 3 push presses. That is one set. We will build up and work solid positions. Spend more time than normal on dialing in the positions at the light to moderate weight and then stick with it.

The WOD is a classic benchmark. After our strength complex, pull down the weight and take a few practice jerks. Focus on crisp jerk positions and then fast cycle time. In the WOD, let’s stick to what is working – so if power jerks are working, stay there .. if split is your game, go ahead.

This workout is meant to be extremely fast. Adjust the weight to an appropriate load. What is extremely fast? RX for guys between 1-1:20 for the entire piece. Fast would be up to about 2 minutes. If we need to do singles the whole time with a bouncing bar we will lose the stimulus and end somewhere in the 6+ minutes. To make the best training – focus on the strength complex for getting heavy load, and then in the WOD bias towards heavy at speed.

Tips for a better training session and GRACE time:

  • Of course …Form matters even at speed, keep good technique and you’ll win the day
  • The end is the beginning – the finish of the Clean leads immediately into the Jerk. Let’s break this down and you’ll be more efficient:
    • When finishing the power clean portion of the clean you are already in the “dipped” position of the jerk. Instead of standing the clean up then re-dipping and jerking the weight overhead try going directly into the jerk after catching the clean.
    • When returning the bar to the floor – keep the bar close to your body (similar to the beginning of the lift … the closer we keep it the less weight we have to control). Lower the bar with your hook grip (or re-grip) – by resetting your grip after you have flipped your elbows above the bar on the way down (as fast as you can).
    • Avoid crashing the bar on your hips to regrip – the hips and quads can be grazed as the bar descends or fully out of the way if possible (more advanced)
  • Chalk up, double tie your shoes, and don’t ever leave your bar during the WOD.
  • Avoid air dropping your bar – it is dangerous to you, your neighbors, and costs 10-12 seconds per drop … instead bring it down; place it, and then use those seconds to actually recover and refocus.

Box Brief

High School Athletic Program has officially launched! Excited to be the headquarters for one of the leading athletic program in the State. Plus how fun will it be for us to train alongside these athletes!

Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy. We’ll crosspost it with you.

Thursday, June 21st 2018

ALIVE at FIVE is TODAY – join Jimmy at 5:30pm!!!



WOD “Triple Threat”

Teams of 3
75 Cal Assault (50 for 3 female)
75 Box Jumps (24/20)
225 Air Squats
3 rounds for time

WOD Brief

Pistols are one legged squats – we’ll work strength in these positions today – yes, strength. This is a movement that you build both in mobility and strength to accomplish. Let’s focus on creating a narrow base and squat (legs and knees and feet together and work “air squats” in this way).

The goal today is to work the best range of motion and identify where we need to build capacity. Are you hips or ankles limiting the movement? If so – use a plate to counter balance or add under your heel to adjust. Is it strength – then work deep negatives or even higher volume assisted (10x). Having this knowledge you can then add in the mobility and strength work today and in coming weeks to begin the gentle progression to achieving this movement.

The WOD – is a designed for a work to rest ratio of 1:2. If you take this alone we’ll cut the reps and consider adding a rest at the end of round 1 and 2 to allow you to charge through each movement.

First you’ll complete assault bike calories. These should be at 95%  and distributed evenly.

The box jumps must show hips open at the top. Fastest teams will share a box and alternate every rep.

Air squats are just go – don’t allow a team member to go to fatigue or you’ll be pressing them furiously on rounds 2 and 3. Air squats consider 15-20 max sets per athlete. 10 is even great.

We’ll go 3 rounds.

Tomorrow we hit Grace, so recover tonight at the Alive in roswell event and eat those carbs. Tomorrow let’s see if we have any new names to put on the board.

Box Brief

Alive in Roswell is this THURSDAY. If you are new to Historic Roswell it is an open street party for everyone of all ages. We will have a workout and be around the Interactive Zone beginning at 5:30pm. See you there!

High School Athletic Program has officially launched! Excited to be the headquarters for one of the leading athletic program in the State. Plus how fun will it be for us to train alongside these athletes!

Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy. We’ll crosspost it with you.

Wednesday, June 20th 2018

ALIVE at FIVE is this Thursday!!!



WOD “GG 1a / 1b”

15 Burpee over Rower
40/30 Cal Row
15 Burpee Over Rower
40/30 Cal Row
15 Burpee over Rower
For time

WOD Brief

Snatch – let’s dial in technique and find consistency in our movement. We’ll work up to sets of 3 to prep for the workout. The goal is to work up to a heavy weight and then back down 20-30%. This ending weight will be perfect for you to do the 1RM Snatch after the 1A part of the workout.

The WOD is 2 parts 1A – burpee (lateral) and a row. You’ll hit these hard and fast. Heart will fly and that’ll be just fine. When you finish the burpee and row couplet you’ll note your time.

Then move on to 1B .. a 1 rep max Snatch, simply put .. you’ll go back to the bar you were building up before the WOD and hit lifts until 14 minutes hits the WOD clock.

Some tips – if you are strong on your aerobic threshold – hold it and go fast. Try to be steady on the burpees, no need to sprint and then slow them down …. find a steady consistent pace. The row – you are only there 2x so make them count.

If you did this for the qualifier, go ahead and retest or – as your Coach for the alternate, it will hit similar movement patterns to keep you in the flow of the training, while adding some spice to your day.

Box Brief

Alive in Roswell is this THURSDAY. If you are new to Historic Roswell it is an open street party for everyone of all ages. We will have a workout and be around the Interactive Zone beginning at 5:30pm. See you there!

High School Athletic Program has officially launched! Excited to be the headquarters for one of the leading athletic program in the State. Plus how fun will it be for us to train alongside these athletes!

Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy. We’ll crosspost it with you.