“Sprinter’s Delight”
3 minutes
25/15 cal Assault
Max Back squats 135/95
Rest 1
2 minutes
25/15 cal ski
Max Back Squats
Rest 1
25/15 cal row
Max Back Squats
Rest 1
400m Run
Max Back Squats
WOD Brief
The weight on the barbell should be relatively light vs your max, and therefore we should seek to sprint 85-95% effort in the sprint. You should only need to take 2-3 breaths before beginning your squats. Breathing steadily will be your friend at the top of each squat.
Don’t hold back; no regrets. Get to that barbell and squat! Scale distance / cals as needed.
Box Brief
Wednesday, October 25th (5-7pm) – Halloween Costume Throwdown & Potluck $100 in Prizes
Saturday, November 11th – NBK Public Individual Competition, Red WOD & Blue