Monday, December 18th 2017

NBK Holiday Party, 2017


Power Snatch 3-3-3-3

WOD – “Mistletoe”

10 KB SNATCH 53/35
15 TTB
30 DU

WOD Brief

Power snatches should have a few warm up sets prior to going for the four sets of three. We are super setting these with a hollow hold, because core is life. Focus on finding comfort in breathing while your body is under tension. This training is develop that capacity, as it is key in all gymnastics, endurance, strongman, and all barbell movements..

Mistletoe is meant to be speedy. Pick a KB weight that you can cycle. Those without doubleunders should scale to singles.

At 12 minutes, this is longer than a standard sprint, so adjust to 90-95% of your max speed and TTB capacity. If 10-15 is your TTB max, consider breaking these on the first round into manageable sets with brief rest.

 Box Brief
NBK Holiday party was amazing last night – wonderful fun, laughter, and food. Thanks to everyone who contributed. Everyone was so generous with the food and since we had so much we donated to rest to the local police department and to the women’s shelter here in Roswell. Thanks to Abby and Nina for making this happen!
WINNER of our Coach Contest will be revealed this week.
See the video for this week’s WINNER of for the Class Reservation Competition


Updated holiday hours the week of Christmas and New Years

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