22 Pull ups
22 Deadlifts (185/125)
22 Burpee Box Jump overs (24/20)
Rest 4 min
AMRAP 9 (repeat)
WOD Brief
Happy National College Football Championship Game Day and GABZ BIRTHDAY!! We have a toasty program this week – we will test our high intensity with a moderate bar today, improve our engines tomorrow, and then the rest of the week will escalate in time domains and work. Please eat, mobolize, and follow each day’s recommended adjustments to hit the stimulus (fancy way of saying getting the intended biological health improvements).
Today we need to go hard, recover, and then hit the same body of work again. Go big sets on the first round, and then begin breaking your sets in the first AMRAP. Use the rest to release the forearms and move into the 2nd AMRAP with a plan using short sets with short rest.
Scale reps and weight to elements that allow you to maintain a moderate to high intensity without accumulating a lot of eccentric loading.