Thursday, February 8th 2018


WOD – “Moguls” 

20/15 cal Ski
20 Box Jump (24/20)
3 rounds for time
Rest 3 min

5 rope climbs for time
Rest 3 min

3 rounds for time
15/10 cal assault
45 DU

WOD Brief

Today we continue to build our engines and increase our work capacity. These days transfer to all areas of life by delivering more energy to the tasks at hand. We’ll warmup with a classic structure and then prepare for this nod to the Winter Olympics.

Moguls builds on our work : rest programming structure and is a perfect opportunity to go hard with no regrets. As you finish each body of movements, use the rest for deep belly breathing, hydration, and then prepping for the next effort.

Athletes will complete 3 rounds of 20/15 cal ski + 20 box jumps. When you finish you’ll then rest for 3 minutes. The pace for this first effort should be aggressive, these two movements compliment each other and going fast in one won’t hurt the other – stay disciplined.

Rest for 3 minutes – hydrate, belly breathing (rib cages shouldn’t be going up and down here, a common fault). No complaining, no whining, just reset your mind. That first bout is over and you move on – regardless of your score or thoughts in the effort.

5 rope climbs should be again aggressive, for most the 3rd or 4th rope climb will be challenging. Take a pause when you need and use those legs to stand up on the rope. Focus on your breath during the climb – this will keep your heart rate manageable.

Again – rest 5 minutes, be disciplined and get your mind right. No negative thoughts now; clear the mind for the task at hand. Get your rope, lay it out, give it a couple jumps and set the bike height.

Last 3 rounds of today for some will be fast. Don’t rush the DU, get a pace, catch your breath, and then back to the bike.

Today requires mental discipline to stay focused, positive, and free of any worries. Put your best effort in for the day and then savor the success of huge day of training.

 Box Brief
BINGO – fill a row win and get a ticket for prizes drawn at end of the month!! Grab a sheet at the desk.
NBK Anniversary Celebration is March 3rd at NBK. Save it on your calendar and let’s have a fantastic day together.
The CrossFit OPEN is approaching, NBK will host 2 events and you are invited!
  • 18.1 Saturday February 24th 5:30pm – 8pm (Drinks, fun, and we’ll do the workout together!)
  • 18.3 Friday March 9th time 5:30-8pm

Nutrition Program is ongoing at this time – if you are interested in leaning out, this is your program. Free weeks are still remaining to get you started, no commitment.

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