Tuesday, February 13th 2018


Pikes > Handstand hold > Shoulder Taps > Handstand walking

WOD – “Chest down eyes forward” 

500m Ski
21 KB Snatch (53/35)
100’ 1 arm OHWL
500m ski
15 KB Snatch
100’ 1 arm OHWL
500m ski
9 KB Snatch
100’ 1 arm OHWL
For time
Rx+ 50’ HSW instead of OHWL

WOD Brief

Today is a diligent focus on keeping our body under good tension and moving with a higher heart rate. The ski is short and quick, but still long enough to demand your heavy pulls.

The kettlebell snatches need to be locked out after every rep. Remember the grip from our prior training in December where we don’t squeeze the kettlebell, but instead rotate and pull our thumbs through.

We then move straight into overhead walking lunges with the KB locked out overhead. Switch arms to do even work.

Position with you need to think about bringing the bicep to your ears and allow the body to stack vertically. This will be most efficient. Focus on your breath – steady, and keeping that chest / rib cab pointing down.

RX+ is handstand walks at 50′ for each OHWL.

 Box Brief
BINGO – fill a row win and get a ticket for prizes drawn at end of the month!! Grab a sheet at the desk.
NBK Anniversary Celebration is March 3rd at NBK. Save it on your calendar and let’s have a fantastic day together.
The CrossFit OPEN is approaching, NBK will host 2 events and you are invited!
  • 18.1 Saturday February 24th 5:30pm – 8pm (Drinks, fun, and we’ll do the workout together!)
  • 18.3 Friday March 9th time 5:30-8pm

Nutrition Program is ongoing at this time – if you are interested in leaning out, this is your program. Free weeks are still remaining to get you started, no commitment.

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