Tuesday, April 24th 2018

Congrats to Woody for all the personal records and accomplishments, you are the winner of our Dapper Community Award w/ Dapper Cuts here in Historic Roswell


Sumo Deadlift

WOD – “Rooster claws”

9 Sumo deadlift high pull
35 DU
6 min AMRAP
Rest 3 min

1k Ski for time

WOD Brief

 Sumo deadlifts are going to target your hamstrings and glutes even more because of the wide stance and “stretch” during the pull. This is a chance to really build strength in these positions and an area we have been aggressively progressing towards on our warmups and training these past few months.

Today’s WOD is a full on sprint. The high pulls are meant to be something you can move easily for double the reps if asked to do so fresh – opposite from what we did Monday with the super heavy thrusters. Mind a good strong back and tight core (squeeze that belly button to spine) on these speed movements. Then straight to double unders.

You should be solid for the first two minutes and then the speed will begin to cause fatigue, here is where you can keep the pressure or throttle enough to the 4 minute mark. At that point, you must push yourself to the full on sprint again. Have good technique above all else, as that’ll serve you in efficiency and future strength development.

At the end of the AMRAP, you’ll rest 3 minutes and then DESTROY a 1k ski on the ski erg. This is a huge finisher. Approach this however you like – either pick an aggressive pace you can hold for a 1k, but not much further than that … or hit a strong pace, for the first 250, bring it back a smidge for the next 250, and then begin increasing intensity and power ever 100m, such that the last 150m you are literally giving it everything you have got.

Box Brief

High School Athletic Program has officially launched! Excited to be the headquarters for one of the leading athletic program in the State. Plus how fun will it be for us to train alongside these athletes!

Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy. We’ll crosspost it with you.

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