Strength Complex
Hang Squat Clean
WOD “Power to the Pupil”
9 Hang Power Clean (115/80)
36 DU
WOD Brief
We will work at a moderate rep range today for the hang squat clean. Please lift bar up as a deadlift and then complete the established reps per set. Full squat in the clean with strong body position at the top – elbows forward, locked out, eyes forward, and focused on each part of this movement.
The WOD is a spicy AMRAP, you will need to pace it according to your capacity so you are at YOUR max speed during this effort. The HPC should be done unbroken to avoid unnecessary deadlifts. The double unders should allow for you to catch your breath.
Tips here – take one deep breath before hitting the hang power clean, so you can do these all unbroken. Establish the weight to something that is a challenge but doable. The double unders allow for you to rest, relatively. Be sure to jump tall, try to stay tall (if you hinge, you’ll shrink your ability to take in air). The rope you need to lay down and pick up neatly every time – place the rope down, so you can easily pick it up and GO. Same goes for the barbell, if you let it drop as you walk to the rope you’ll be out of position and lose more time.
You own your effort today, let’s go fast.
Box Brief
High School Athletic Program has officially launched! Excited to be the headquarters for one of the leading athletic program in the State. Plus how fun will it be for us to train alongside these athletes!
This week Jimmy is at Olympic training camp (Power Monkey) and will be sharing materials, videos, and insights. This is to enhance our coaching methods and continue to find ways to better our fitness. Jimmy is working one on one with Cassidy Lance, Jason Leydon, Hinshaw, Dave Durante, Chad Vaughn and McCoy this week. **Please share any questions to Jimmy for any information or insights from this group**
Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy. We’ll crosspost it with you.