6×3 Clean and Jerks TNG
6 Rounds each for Time:
10 Burpee Pull-ups (5 RX+ Ring Muscle Up)
16 DB Step-Ups (35/25) (24″/20″) (rx+ 50/35)
15/10 AAB Cals (Scale to 200m Sprint)
*Rest 2:00*
Barbell cycling today with a nice, hefty dose of clean and jerks. We will build over the course of six sets, but are looking for smooth cycling, good positions and speed more so than we are looking to max out. Barbell cycling is a method of cycling the barbell through the prescribed range of motion as quickly and efficiently as possible. The techniques we use to perform heavy lifts may not be exactly the same as the technique to maximize our efforts for something like Grace(30 Clean and Jerks for time). It should go without saying that just because you are now performing a movement for speed does NOT allow you the right to let your techniques fade. The idea here is just that you are moving through said movement, with proper mechanics for time.
The metcon today is intense intervals! The idea with two full minutes of rest is that you gather yourself enough to go HAM into each round, push hard, rest hard and repeat.
Box brief:
Open workouts will take place every Friday during classes for the next four weeks and again on Saturday mornings at 10am!
Join us Thursday nights at the Standard in Roswell for opening viewing announcements.
New hoodies/t-shirts are in stock-get one before they run out!
REFERRAL PROGRAM-Click herefor more information…bring friends and get free things!
Check in challenge continues! Check in to class and whoever checks in the most will win awesome swag, gift cards and more!
Able to donate and help build a hospital?? Please donate to help us build a hospital in Rwanda – here is the link
Rwanda fundraiser shirts are in…please pick them up next time you come to class!
Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy/Sarah. We’ll cross-post it with you.