WOD – “Black Cat”
5 min AMRAP
20 Goblet lunges (53/35) (70/53)
15 abmat sit up
10 box jump overs(24/20)
in remaining time row for max cals
Rest 2 min
WOD Brief
Your goals are paved my the smallest of actions you take moment by moment. Building on each moment is what allows us to reach the greatest of heights in life and fitness. Focus and take advantage of the cumulative nature of this program. The ability to retest a movement, try a higher tempo or different technique to get better will lead to the biggest benefits.
Assess your performance in the breaks, not during the work periods – during work we work and a wandering mind is taking energy from the opportunity at hand. Focus and improve moment by moment.
Box Brief
Announcing the CFNBK bring a friend (kids program), grab a card from any Coach and the bearer of the card will receive a week of CFNBK for free (if new to CF, they can attend 4 on-ramp sessions), starting Sunday, October 15th.
Wednesday, October 25th (5-7pm) – Halloween Costume Throwdown & Potluck $100 in Prizes
Saturday, November 11th – NBK Public Individual Competition, Red WOD & Blue