October, 18th 2017

WOD – “Heaven and Earth”

20/15 cal assault
15 Bar facing burpees
AMRAP Power clean in Remaining Time
Rest 3 min

15 Power Cleans 115/80
15 Bar Facing Burpees
AMRAP Assault Bike Cal
Rest 4 min

20/15 cal Assault
15 Power Cleans
AMRAP Bar Facing Burpees

3 scores Power cleans, Cals, burpees

WOD Brief

The AMRAPs are designed to encourage you to go hard. The first you should go all out on the bike, find your heart rate on the burpees, and then just be consistent on the barbell. Some athletes will go high rep barbell with short breaks – push yourself!

The second AMRAP you should get yourself to the bike ASAP and then hit a wattage you can sustain, or go for max cals .. rest at 250 watts and hit max cals every 30 seconds – your test, but hit this earnestly

Finally we end on the burpees – get there as fast as possible. Go for broke, no stopping, no hesitation, just jump; hit the ground; rebound, and go again!


Box Brief
NBK has partnered with the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation for the betterment of kids.  We are fundraising and need your help to hit our $$$ goal. Please see how you can help, join us in raising money, and share the message.
Announcing the CFNBK bring a friend (kids program), grab a card from any Coach and the bearer of the card will receive a week of CFNBK for free (if new to CF, they can attend 4 on-ramp sessions), starting Sunday, October 15th.

Wednesday, October 25th (5-7pm) – Halloween Costume Throwdown & Potluck $100 in Prizes
Saturday, November 11th – NBK Public Individual Competition, Red WOD & Blue

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