WOD – “Tiger Boat”
24/20 cal row
18 sumo deadlift (185/135)
12 Burpee over Erg
2 Rope Climb
WOD Brief
Be efficient. The movements are many and require us to reset to complete the task. The rows keep them efficient and drive your legs before hinging at the hips – this will keep the midline intact.
Aim for a couple of solid rounds. Our top athletes will be around 4-5 rounds. On the rounds 2+ in the row, get on it immediately after the rope climb and just start pulling – use the first few calories to catch your breath and then build up to your strong pace.
Wednesday, October 25th (5-7pm) – Halloween Costume Throwdown & Potluck $100 in Prizes
Saturday, November 11th – NBK Public Individual Competition, Red WOD & Blue