November, 15th 2017

Charlie competing in Savannah

WOD – “Titan’s Grip”

2 Rope Climb

200’ Plate Pinch Carry (35/25) 

Run 400m

15 minute AMRAP

WOD Brief

Our skill work will help improve our rope climbing. If you are great at rope climbs, break it down and improve one area. Practice getting vertical with better jumps. Develop an inverted j-hook with straight arms to get a maximum height. If rope climbs are a challenge – work on good hooks while sitting on a box. Practice putting yourself in a pike while hanging from the rope to get comfortable with the rope. Leverage our mats and if you are just gaining rope climbs – climb 50% of the rope and simply double the climbs (if heights are bothering you now).

The pinch carries are with the black plates, and cannot be held using the the centers. The run should be used to clear that fatigue in the arms. Go get it! If you have the density of rope climbs, go for RX+ LLRC (45/35).

 Box Brief
TOMORROW we are having our Potlock Friends-Giving event at 6:30pm, no 7pm class
Starting Monday, our 7pm class will move to 6:30pm!
Member surveys were emailed Sunday and are posted on Facebook, new hours starting next week for our late evening class are part of the details
Thanksgiving week hours are reduced Wed, Thur, Fri, and Saturday. Please keep an eye out for the schedule. Thursday morning will be a big WOD.
Practice reserving your spot in class, ask a coach. Videos are posted. This will allow us to ensure we have the right amount of coaches for every class and ensure NBK is serving you in the best manner possible.


Friends-Giving November 16th – RSVP & share your cooking talents!
December 3rd – NBK Yoga class at LiveURYoga studio, sign-up online! 50% off savings. Focus is on CrossFit athlete problem areas

December 9th – Gymnastics Clinic by Power Monkey team and CrossFit Games Athlete (register online)
Holiday December Party – Beautiful Dinner and Social Event, to be announced


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