WOD – “Redemption”
Reps 3-6-9-12.. (increase by 3 round)
burpee over bar (lateral)
power snatch (75/55)
box jump over (20”)
rest 3 mins
(start wherever you left off on the first amrap.)
7 min AMRAP
Burpee over bar
power snatch (75/55)
Box jump over (20”)
WOD Brief
The reps increase by 3 each round, so the athlete will complete 3 burpees over the bar -> 3 power snatches -> 3 box jump overs.. then 6 burpees -> 6 power snatches -> 6 box jump overs. 20 inches for everyone.
Find a good hard pace, but something you can sustain. This is not to be treated as an EMOM, but hit it hard. The 3 minute rest is designed to recover at least 50% and then use the lessons moving forward.
Power snatches must touch the ground every time.
December 3rd – NBK Yoga class at LiveURYoga studio, sign-up online! 50% off savings. Focus is on CrossFit athlete problem areas
December 9th – Gymnastics Clinic by Power Monkey team and CrossFit Games Athlete (register online)
NBK Holiday December Party – Beautiful Dinner and Social Event, Dec 17th