Wednesday November 29th, 2017


WOD – “Redemption”

Reps 3-6-9-12.. (increase by 3 round)

burpee over bar (lateral)
power snatch (75/55)
box jump over (20”)

rest 3 mins
(start wherever you left off on the first amrap.)
7 min AMRAP
Burpee over bar
power snatch (75/55)
Box jump over (20”)

WOD Brief

The reps increase by 3 each round, so the athlete will complete 3 burpees over the bar -> 3 power snatches -> 3 box jump overs.. then 6 burpees -> 6 power snatches -> 6 box jump overs. 20 inches for everyone.

Find a good hard pace, but something you can sustain. This is not to be treated as an EMOM, but hit it hard. The 3 minute rest is designed to recover at least 50% and then use the lessons moving forward.

Power snatches must touch the ground every time.

 Box Brief
JOIN US on Sunday for Yoga at our neighbor’s Yoga Studio. Designed just for NBK Athletes
Class reservation competition is live – check-in for every class you attend to win every Friday for the next month!


December 3rd – NBK Yoga class at LiveURYoga studio, sign-up online! 50% off savings. Focus is on CrossFit athlete problem areas

December 9th – Gymnastics Clinic by Power Monkey team and CrossFit Games Athlete (register online)
NBK Holiday December Party – Beautiful Dinner and Social Event, Dec 17th

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