Wednesday, December 13th 2017


Endurance Strength

Hang Squat clean + Assault 12/8 cals for max wattage

WOD – “Sturdy Bird”

5 power clean (135/95)
7 Bar facing burpee
Rest 5

5 Power Clean (165/115)
7 Bar Facing Burpee

WOD Brief

The strength will have time to build to good working weight, and then let the rounds begin. Today has two big training efforts – the endurance strength and the WOD. Treat them as such and go for max. Appropriate rest will be needed between each effort and is planned.

Today we will work and rest equally to allow our bodies to hit a lactic state momentarily, and then we will challenge our bodies to recover. Clearing the lactate of your muscles during the rest is key – walk around, hope on a bike, row, anything .. just get the big muscle groups moving.

There is no rest in a 5 minute body of work, so find an aggressive pace that is just below a sprint. If you can cycle the barbell – do it! It is 2x faster than dropping every rep.

 Box Brief
NBK Holiday party potlock signup page is on the whiteboard, looking forward to seeing everyone on Sunday!
WINNER of our Coach Contest will be revealed this week.
Tony is our WINNER of this week’s Class Reservation Competition and has earned 1 free 2lb bag of Ascent Protein. Keep up the great work!


NBK Holiday December Party – Beautiful Dinner and Social Event – FESTIVE Attire, Dec 17th

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