WOD – “The best 12 Days of Christmas you ever done seen”
3 Power Clean
4 Power snatch
5 Deadlift
6 cal ski
7 Wall Ball (20/14)
9 Burpee
10 Cal Row
11 Box Jumps (30/24)
12 Bar Muscle ups
Cash out:
3 Laps around NBK Sandbag Carry (bear hug) 80/60
WOD Brief
Today celebrate the Christmas season with the classic WOD following the melody of the song, 12 days of Christmas. Proceed through the reps in same manner as the song. We have customized it to flow logically and highlight your skills development across 2017. One barbell per athlete, 115/75 RX and 155/105 Rx+.
For the HSPU, let’s scale to HRPU today or max out at 2 ab mats. No science here – just a big body of work. Move quickly through the movements to reduce transition time. Be diligent on each movement, but do make it a race at each station. See if you can best your prior time, technique, and power each round. This will help you get better and accomplish our fitness goals.
Updated holiday hours the week of Christmas and New Years