Regular hours through New Years EVE
Heavy Thrusters
WOD – “Jubiliation”
8 Thrusters 115/75
12 Burpee Box Jump over (24”/20”)
5 rounds rest 1:1 with a partner.
WOD Brief
While Tuesday we focused on a longer time domain across 20 minutes, today we return to high intensity – which is 9x more effective at shedding all of the who-hash and who-pudding. Work with a partner, push each other, and you’ll complete 10 total rounds as a team. Similar to last week, elect a weight that is tough but something you can fight through. Ideally some rounds are unbroken.
Cheer each other on in this holiday week of jubilation and celebration. The strength is designed to find a heavy 3 rep max. Take 1-2 reps warm-up as you work up, and then find your heaviest lift. For scaling, the WOD weight should be about 80-85% of your 3 rep max from the strength. The burpee box jumps can be done front facing or lateral.
Let’s get a solid rebound and chase in the New Year weekend together!
Updated holiday hours the week of New Years