WOD – “Abdominal Monster”
18 1 arm OHWL steps (50/35)
9 Strict Pull ups (RX+ C2B Strict)
WOD Brief
Scale for intensity today – this is a looooong effort. We want movements we can visit multiple rounds. This means abmat situps is a great choice if 100+ GHDs is not comfortable for you. This is meant to be an intense effort but around 85% of power. This will allow us to visit these movements rapidly.
Think Annie, the benchmark workout with abmats and doubleunders – that is the level of effort we are seeking today.
On the overhead walking lunge steps, aim to keep your bicep by your ear without a shrug with the traps. Tall and good tension is our goal here. Be conscious of your rib cage – it should be vertical and not pulling back in an arch. This is super important with the abmat efforts.
Pull ups begin in a dead hang
Box Brief
- 18.1 Saturday February 24th 5:30pm – 8pm (Drinks, fun, and we’ll do the workout together!)
- 18.3 Friday March 9th time 5:30-8pm
Nutrition Program is ongoing at this time – if you are interested in leaning out, this is your program. Free weeks are still remaining to get you started, no commitment.