Friday, March 9th 2018

WOD – “Feather weight”

5 SDLHP (95/65)
5 Hang Power Clean

Rest 3

5 Hang Power Clean

WOD Brief

All the pulls. Imagine fight gone bad, well let’s not imagine go check out the last time you did it (I’ll wait .. go ahead), ok .. now you worked for 1 minute and did what? 15, 25, 35, 55 reps in a minute? Highest heart rate, yes?

Ok, so that is the stimulus we are aiming for dialed back a smidge. We have designed this training to have a second attempt with the planned rest. This will allow us to attack it in two different approaches. This allows us to finish with absolutely nothing left in the fuel tank.

Approach – 5 reps of each is quick and dirty. So only take a break at or around the SDLHP if you must, never on the hang power cleans. You will be able to get a lot of repetitions here, but your grip will be the limiting factor. Hook grip and find opportunities to release it (while on front rack), and avoid extra long holds while you breath. Remember it is your grip that will be challenged first.

On the hang, really maintain tall good positions. When athletes fatigue the common change in pattern is to squat more and hinge more. This will begin to put pressure on your lower back, and we need to avoid this entirely.

Today is the last day with a week full of complex movements, so stay dialed in and let’s open up on these 5 minute blocks.

 Box Brief

The CrossFit OPEN Saturday night lights is coming!!
  • 18.3 Saturday March 10th time 5:30-8pm

Nutrition Program is ongoing at this time – if you are interested in leaning out, this is your program. Free weeks are still remaining to get you started, no commitment.

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