Shout out to the crew that hung out & helped clean after Sat. Night Lights
Strength & Skill
OHS + MU transition practice
WOD – “18.3”
2 rounds for time of:
100 double-unders
20 overhead squats
100 double-unders
12 ring muscle-ups
100 double-unders
20 dumbbell snatches
100 double-unders
12 bar muscle-ups
14 min CAP
WOD Brief
Time to get into this one. While we had a great crowd Saturday and a few folks hit this over the weekend, today is our official 18.3 WOD day. Today is your chance to have a great training work out. You need to scale to get in a good workout.. This isn’t the Games. Especially if you are not proficient at these movements. It’s about you doing the work to achieve the benefits of the workout. This means YOU and YOUR effort is the only result that matters. Nobody else. If you need the masters 60+ scale to get in the best workout that’s what you should do – elect a scale that gets you through 2 rounds.
OK, so your mind is right and you have selected a scale that fits your wheelhouse. Time to focus on the opportunity today. The jump rope is a TON-O-VOLUME. So, make sure your ankles, achilles, and calves are fired hot before starting. Shoulder warm-up is all programmed for you in the warm-up, so use these to get your body ready.
In the workout, adjust rope speed and sets to allow for you to get through them in a tight fashion. Break up the DU or single unders as you need. This will help you in the long run (800 is a big number).
Overhead Squats – we will spend time warming these up, should be smooth. Ideally 2 sets of 10 or max 4 sets of 5. Just keep moving. Rest bar on your back instead of dropping it.
Pull-ups (scaled) are just go. Small number that we should be able to hit quickly. Same with the DB Snatch, quick and smooth is our goal.
If you are proficient at MU get at it. Break up the reps so you make each attempt a good rep. Your goal should be preservation of good form.
This workout has many goats (movements that many are not good at or dislike), and this creates an opportunity to develop, challenge, and perhaps surprise ourselves. Do what is uncomfortable and let’s record what we can accomplish in our journals. Then, work with the coaching team to put a plan together that helps you accomplish and surmount them together.
Box Brief