Build up to 85% Snatch
WOD – “Veteran’s #2“
15/12 Cal Ski
12 Power snatch (95/65)
15/12 Cal Ski
10 Power snatch 115/75
15/12 Cal Ski
8 Power snatch 135/95
15/12 Cal Ski
6 Power snatch 155/105
15/12Cal Ski
Snatch 1 RM
20 min CAP
WOD Brief
Today we get to hit a workout that was designed for a Veteran’s competition. This was our favorite and hit the remaining conditioning, aerobic, and strength areas remaining in our week’s training. The strength is designed to build-up and prepare ourselves for the workout.
The workout has us working through a descending amount of reps while increasing the load on the barbell. At the end of the ladder, you’ll use any remaining time to hit a max one rep max. Snatch may be power or squat. Please pick a loading pattern that you can get the best training from the day. (i.e., if your 1 rep snatch is 145 .. then you should adjust the ladder so you are not attempting / making your 1 rep 6 times 😉 Be a smart athlete and let’s get significantly fitter and stronger during our training.
At 3, 2, 1, GO the athlete (waves where needed) will complete 15/12 calorie Ski, these should be at a speed you can go several rounds on, but you’ll want to move well enough to give room for your last rep. At the completion of the ski you’ll move to your barbell and complete the prescribed repetitions.
Athletes will return to the ski and again complete the same calories prescribed, and return to the barbell. You may load your bar whenever you like.
The OPEN workout is not advised today unless you are unable to train Monday, as we just did considerable volume of thrusters and pull-ups Wednesday. Most athletes will not be recovered to have the best personal experience. Please contact a Coach if you need a judge – have fun and let’s have an amazing Friday together!
Box Brief
Nutrition Program is ongoing at this time – if you are interested in leaning out, this is your program. Free weeks are still remaining to get you started, no commitment.