Friday, March 30th 2018


Power Cleans

WOD – “Sexy Seven

7 Burpee (standard)
7 Power Clean (115/75) Rx+ (165/115)
7 cal assault

WOD Brief

Happy Good Friday and wishing everyone a great Passover – today is an awesome training day and I know many are headed out of town, BUT … come get one more in before the holiday week of Spring Break arrives!

Power Cleans, because we squatted A LOT yesterday. We will be doing heaviest triples.

Sexy Seven is a fun and tough effort. You’ll be able to move really fast and get a solid amount of rounds. How many? 7? 10? Adjust barbell weight accordingly to maximize today. This isn’t 18.5 and definitely not 18.1, so go go go.

The burpees will be standard, chest and thighs touch the ground and then leap into the air with hands over your shoulders.

Power cleans – please use the scale you included in the strength if necessary. Full squat not necessary, and the weight should be a barbell you can cycle through. with no misses.

Assault bike or ski erg 10/7 if that is what you need today.

17 minutes is a long road, but this should not be paced and should be a strong push. Remember to focus on your breath and keep that body moving.

Let’s have a great day training for better health and fitness in Historic Roswell! 

Box Brief

Nutrition Program is ongoing at this time – if you are interested in leaning out, this is your program. Free weeks are still remaining to get you started, no commitment.

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