Strict Press + Push Press
WOD – “NBK-Dozen”
4 rounds
3 min AMRAP
500m ski
Max Rep DB Snatch (50/35)
Rest 1 min between rounds
WOD Brief
Alive in Roswell event is this Thursday! Come by and train with us at City Hall and then enjoy the festivities all night. It is an awesome event.
If you are on Snapchat we have a special event filter set, snap and share to win a free NBK shirt! SEE Schedule changes below for Thursday
Today we hit four rounds of speed work. The SKI is an all out go and in the remaining time (3 min clock), athletes will complete max dumbbell snatches (must have both bells touching the ground every rep). A 1 minute rest will be between every round and then athletes will go again.
These are reverse movement patterns and your heart rate will be high, but in good safe movements. Dropped dumbbells = no RX
Box Brief
Schedule changes for Thursday:
4:30 at NBK
5:30 at City Hall (opposite side of circle)
6:30 at City Hall
High School Athletic Program has officially launched! Excited to be the headquarters for one of the leading athletic program in the State. Plus how fun will it be for us to train alongside these athletes!
Lights – they are HERE!!! Prepare for the brightness!
Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy. We’ll crosspost it with you.