Monday, April 30th 2018


Double Unders using skill ropes


20/15 cal ski
50 DU
30 air squats
Rest 1:1
5 rounds

WOD Brief

We have new tools to help improve our jump rope skills. Today we’ll take time to improve the rope path and find large sets of success in the doubles. If you are proficient with 30+ DU, get in several sets and then use the heavy rope and or play with the following:

5 singles into 5 double unders, repeat by adding a rep to each. Stop at 15.

The wrist is the key for a great jump rope set – focus on it. The skill ropes don’t work unless you flick your wrist.

The WOD is a flat out sprint. The ski will crank up the heart rate and this should be a hard pace – not 100%, but maybe 90-92%. Straight into the doubleunders will be a challenge. Find a spot on the ground 10 feet in front and just go for controlled sets. Finally you’ll complete air squats at full speed. No technique required on the last movement, so we should be able to close these out in close in under :45 seconds.

Rest equal to the work.

Even though this is 5 rounds aim for 90% effort – if round 1 felt good then keep increasing your intensity in every round. You will surprise yourself in your depth of energy given our training this past 4 month cycle.

Box Brief

High School Athletic Program has officially launched! Excited to be the headquarters for one of the leading athletic program in the State. Plus how fun will it be for us to train alongside these athletes!

Congrats to Woody for all the personal records and accomplishments, you are the winner of our Dapper Community Award w/ Dapper Cuts here in Historic Roswell

Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy. We’ll crosspost it with you.

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