WOD (repeat, get on the PR board today)
100 cal Row
100 cal Ski
100 cal Bike
POST WOD Strength
Barbell smash, RDL, and MM
WOD Brief
The post-WOD strength is super important today, as we will work specific movement patterns that are massively beneficial, but not easy to incorporate. We’ll get some needed quad release first after this WOD today, and then work into some single leg work and man maker pushups which are excellent for building that upper back (which will allow you to load more weights overhead, whether that load is a barbell, your body inverted, or a reasonably sized human).
Today we repeat a classic endurance check of our energy systems. Everyone moves differently here but the goal is to do your max effort for the movement at hand, knowing you are transitioning to the next station.
The best strategy for any larger efforts is to game the 100s. To maximize your results aim for your lactate threshold, which will allow you to operate at a point where you can maximize power output without a rapid fatigue build-up. Game it up – In the beginning of each movement it’ll be easy to get the first 10-30 calories. When you start checking the calories use a game of 5s and 10s. Meaning – aim for 5 calories at a time, and celebrate mentally when you have hit that goal. As you hit each goal you will accumulate a series of successes, and this will carry you through the deep sets. This is a nuance used by Ironman athletes when they find themselves on the bike and realize they still have 130+ miles to go before they finish.
Some athletes will do well for 82-87% effort, while others can do pulses of 90% down to 75%. Stay in your strengths here. As you go through each station focus on breathing and a rhythm. Focus on your technique and movements – think about how you hands are positioned; where are your wrists; how is the angle of your forearm, etc … Focus on each part of your body from extremities to center and then back out. Doing this will help you maximize your efficiency and frankly will help you work through big chunks of calories without staring at the screen.
Box Brief
High School Athletic Program has officially launched! Excited to be the headquarters for one of the leading athletic program in the State. Plus how fun will it be for us to train alongside these athletes!
This week Jimmy is at Olympic training camp (Power Monkey) and will be sharing materials, videos, and insights. This is to enhance our coaching methods and continue to find ways to better our fitness. Jimmy is working one on one with Cassidy Lance, Jason Leydon, Hinshaw, Dave Durante, Chad Vaughn and McCoy this week. **Please share any questions to Jimmy for any information or insights from this group**
Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy. We’ll crosspost it with you.