Monday, May 7th 2018


Clean and Jerk

WOD – “Wrecking Balls”

5 rounds for time
18 Wall balls (20/14)
9 C&J (95/65)

WOD Brief

Heavy weight cycling, that is our goal today in the strength skill. Variety is the key to our fitness, and today we will challenge our ability to move heavy weight – this will build on the reps we .have been incorporating in our WOD programming. Goal here is learning to cycle heavier clean and jerks. Think not 5 unbroken. Power cleans and push jerks are fine and encouraged

Today’s WOD is a repeat (June 15, 2017) and will show your fitness progression and strength endurance. The wall balls are at a set we should be able to hit in a single block out of the gate. (If 10 wall balls are your max set at the weight – feel free to either scale the wall ball weight or use 2 sets max). The clean and jerks should be JERKS. Promise your triceps and shoulders will be there for you on the wall balls if you do..

We have a great week planned. We have heavy bars, fast bars, full on endurance engine check tomorrow, and all the games.

Box Brief

High School Athletic Program has officially launched! Excited to be the headquarters for one of the leading athletic program in the State. Plus how fun will it be for us to train alongside these athletes!

This week Jimmy is at Olympic training camp (Power Monkey) and will be sharing materials, videos, and insights. This is to enhance our coaching methods and continue to find ways to better our fitness. Jimmy is working one on one with Cassidy Lance, Jason Leydon, Hinshaw, Dave Durante, Chad Vaughn and McCoy this week. **Please share any questions to Jimmy for any information or insights from this group**

Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy. We’ll crosspost it with you.

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