Monday, June 4th 2018

Murph crew and support 2018


Pull-ups, strict & kip

WOD “Hot sauce”

1km Row, then…
5 rounds
15 KBS (53/35)
9 Pull ups

For time

WOD Brief

Today we are building on our pull-up density. Let’s build on great positions and then push to kipping with great technique. The intent here is to improve / establish technique and then begin transferring that into the kip.

On the strict pull-ups, think of these points:

  • -Start from a full relaxed hang and then pull as high as you can pull
  • – full grip on bar (pinky to forefinger)
  • – head neutral throughout (ears between biceps)
  • – start the movement with a scap pull up
  • – elbows in on the pull
  • – tight, straight (slightly hollow) body
  • – pull as high as possible without a change in body position

The WOD is a burner – we begin with a 1k row. This should be 12-20 seconds faster pace than your 2k pace. Upon completion you need to move directly KB swings and pull-ups.

The KB swings are American style, so straight arms nearly overhead (not directly overhead). Pull-ups are small enough reps to be done quickly. Find a consistent method you can use for every round.

Grips are great for today as they’ll serve you both on the KB swings and the pull-ups.

Have fun and go for speed today. Great way to start a Monday!

Box Brief

High School Athletic Program has officially launched! Excited to be the headquarters for one of the leading athletic program in the State. Plus how fun will it be for us to train alongside these athletes!

Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy. We’ll crosspost it with you.

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