ALIVE at FIVE is this Thursday!!!
WOD “GG 1a / 1b”
15 Burpee over Rower
40/30 Cal Row
15 Burpee Over Rower
40/30 Cal Row
15 Burpee over Rower
For time
WOD Brief
Snatch – let’s dial in technique and find consistency in our movement. We’ll work up to sets of 3 to prep for the workout. The goal is to work up to a heavy weight and then back down 20-30%. This ending weight will be perfect for you to do the 1RM Snatch after the 1A part of the workout.
The WOD is 2 parts 1A – burpee (lateral) and a row. You’ll hit these hard and fast. Heart will fly and that’ll be just fine. When you finish the burpee and row couplet you’ll note your time.
Then move on to 1B .. a 1 rep max Snatch, simply put .. you’ll go back to the bar you were building up before the WOD and hit lifts until 14 minutes hits the WOD clock.
Some tips – if you are strong on your aerobic threshold – hold it and go fast. Try to be steady on the burpees, no need to sprint and then slow them down …. find a steady consistent pace. The row – you are only there 2x so make them count.
If you did this for the qualifier, go ahead and retest or – as your Coach for the alternate, it will hit similar movement patterns to keep you in the flow of the training, while adding some spice to your day.
Box Brief
Alive in Roswell is this THURSDAY. If you are new to Historic Roswell it is an open street party for everyone of all ages. We will have a workout and be around the Interactive Zone beginning at 5:30pm. See you there!
High School Athletic Program has officially launched! Excited to be the headquarters for one of the leading athletic program in the State. Plus how fun will it be for us to train alongside these athletes!
Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy. We’ll crosspost it with you.