WOD Prep
Barbell and Muscle-ups
WOD “Van Damme”
30 Snatches 95/65 (rx+ 135/95
10 muscle ups
30 C&J
10 Muscle Ups
30 Thrusters
10 Muscle Ups
WOD Brief
We go big out of the gate .. the warm-up will get us ready to train. WOD Prep will be time to prepare our barbell for the WOD and get ready for each movement. Today our movements include the Snatch (Power is fine), the Clean & Jerk, and then Thrusters.
The weight you choose should be something you can do singles consistently on the snatch and C&J. We will do 30 of each movement. Please scale to movements that you are consistent in achieving across 30 reps and with a set weight. It is perfect to scale the weight, switch to dumbbells, or even a sandbag today.
For all athletes our goal is sub 25.
As an example – if you are an athlete who finds 75# is a perfect weight but you have only 3 ring muscle-ups, find DO 3!! Not an RX, but awesome fitness achieved. These ring muscle-ups should consume no more than 2:30 minutes per round, that totals 7:30 minutes for the entire workout. The barbell work is likely going to be 3-6 minutes for each movement. Keep on it. This is a big body of work.
Finally – if you have no vertical pulling capacity, we can remove the ring muscle ups completely and you can just hit the barbel 100%.
Bottom line – adjust the weight (try to keep the reps) and for the gymnastics portion adjust!
Box Brief
We are going to help build a medical clinic / hospital in Rwanda this December. We have so much to share, but imagine a situation where the nearest medical facility is 10-20 miles away … we are solving that. We will be a cornerstone partner with a non-profit and with our communities help, passion, and ideas will bring much needed help to over 6,000 citizens that will benefit in the surrounding area. More to follow – CrossFitNBK for Rwanda
Coalition Food and Beverage is OPEN!!! Visit our friends and fellow athletes Ryan and Woody’s latest restaurant in downtown Alpharetta!
Luau at Table and Main was Sunday and what a blast, great seeing the NBK nation out and supporting our friends event. Awesome catching up with everyone and shout out to Variant for the beverages!
Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy. We’ll crosspost it with you.