WOD “Billy Goat”
4 min AMRAP
9 SDLHP (95/65)
30 DU
Rest 2 min
4 min AMRAP
30 DU
Rest 2 min
4 min AMRAP
30 DU
WOD Brief
FINALLY heavy Deadlifts .. it is time. We’ll warmup and then really take time working up in weight. The goal here is GREAT positions. We have been working these consistently for nearly 2 months, so today let’s apply that technique and get some weight on the bar. Your goal is for heavy singles, but please, work up in weight and then go several heavy. Yes, add weight on the singles if you can, but these should be near 98-105% of your target. Recover and hit again. Use the belt and switch grip as a last resort – today is not the day to change technique, but continue your training from this cycle. Every lift should look the same, just a bit more plates 🙂
The WOD .. is designed in three blocks. Each block is a four minute AMRAP, ad we’ll switch between sumo deadlift high pulls and double unders. This will feel like a sprint, but you need to aim for a high heart rate just at your red line. Best strategy, is do a practice mini round or simply go 10% slower than you think you can on the first round of the first block … then pick it up from there! (What does 10% feel like… well, you’ll probably think “gosh everybody is getting ahead and I am soooo slow at this pace – why oh why did I follow the WOD brief”. Then somewhere around minute 3 you should be still crushing it and be a round ahead of where you could have gone if you went out like a fireball.
We’ll rest 2 minutes. Enough time to write scores and reset our gear.
Repeat …
On the double unders … don’t throw your rope. finish your set and place it on the ground in an arch. This will allow you to pick it right up on the next round without dilly dallying … Trust me, you’ll be fine with the 3/8 of a second it takes to put it down.
Have fun and let’s go!
Box Brief
We are helping to build a medical hospital in Rwanda this December. We have so much to share, but imagine a situation where the nearest medical facility is 10-20 miles away … we are solving that. We will be a cornerstone partner with a non-profit and with our communities help, passion, and ideas will bring much needed help to over 6,000 citizens that will benefit in the surrounding area. More to follow – CrossFitNBK for Rwanda
Coalition Food and Beverage is OPEN!!! Visit our friends and fellow athletes Ryan and Woody’s latest restaurant in downtown Alpharetta!
We are going ROWING! We have 12 slots reserved and will use the group poll to set spots. If you are interested, this is step one to getting our boat of 8 on the water. True rowing … on the water. You’ll be fine… 🙂
Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy. We’ll crosspost it with you.