Push Press
KBS (53/35) (70/53)
WOD Brief
Heavy push press – today, tomorrow dead lift, and Friday heavy back squats. Your goal is to find your new heavy 1RM. This is valuable for you to use as we continue progressions in our lifts. Specifically you can use this 1RM and then take a percentage of this lift in future workouts. This is a smart unlock for you to continue adjusting the workouts to maximize your fitness.
The WOD today has us moving through 3 movements with descending repetitions.
The flow is: 15 HSPU, then 30 KBS, then 45 situps .. then 12 HSPU and 24 KBS and 36 situps, and on we go.
The HSPU can be kipping and should be in reasonable sets. If you find yourself outside your range, feel free to hit a couple solid reps at your more difficult progression and then go to a pike on a box. There are many approaches here, but aim to really build strength here today while moving at a good training pace.
The kettlebell swings are American style. The reps are high but within reach of big blocks. The abmat situps should just be consistent flow.
Box Brief
Coalition Food and Beverage is OPEN!!! Visit our friends and fellow athletes Ryan and Woody’s latest restaurant in downtown Alpharetta!
Let’s get on the water and ROW together – check our group for a poll. We’ll be putting a group together to “real live” row!
Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy. We’ll crosspost it with you.