WOD – Friday July 27th 2018


Superset: Bike + Power Cleans

WOD – “Gloriaus”

Every 3 minutes for 21 minutes
1 round of
14/9 cal Assault Bike
2 rope climbs
4 Power Cleans 165/115

WOD Brief

We will continue our training today with super setting the Bike with Power Cleans. Similar to earlier in the week we’ll be working through a couple rounds around 70%

After some rest and prep we’ll setup for Glorious. This is a workout designed to have us moving and recovering within a 3 minute window. Meaning we’ll do all the prescribed tasks and rest the remaining time on a 3 minute clock. We will then repeat this pattern till the clock strikes 21:00 (So we’ll begin round 1 at 0:00, and restart at 3:00 … and on we go)

Scale as you need to move with intensity and similar movements. We’ll help you! Just ask. The goal will be to aim to complete a fresh round in :90. After some fatigue these numbers may slip and that is OK … just be sure you have some rest in a round and START the next round on time.

The biggest challenge athletes have in these workouts is they begin restarting later and later (even 5 – 10 seconds matters A LOT). Try your best to get through. Substitute the Assault bike with the Rower for those athletes needing to scale down the calories.

We will begin with a Calorie Sprint – go 90% here if you can and let’s get off this movement as fast as possible.

The rope climbs are next and after a few deep breaths as we walk to the rope should be enough before we head up.

Finally, a moderately heavy power clean. Now HERE is where we focus our minds on the task. Set your feet hip width apart with laces under bar, set your grip in a ‘hook grip’, bring down those hips, and set that back. Be diligent about each rep. If this weight is something you can cycle – DO IT. If not, power clean, stand fully up with the bar, and go for singles if needed. The barbell is not rest, get through it and THEN rest.

Box Brief

Build a hospital in Rwanda – Videos and media being posted beginning today, but we are helping a charity building a hospital in Rwanda. We are opening in December and will serve an area of hard working folks where the closest hospital is 20+ miles away. More to follow – fundraiser, charity competition, fun challenges, and more!

Let’s get on the water and ROW together – SATURDAY. Looking forward to seeing folks out there Saturday morning. Current count is nearly 20 folks are rowing between 8:30-11:30.

Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy. We’ll crosspost it with you.

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