Strict Press
WOD – “Sweep”
50 DU
3 C2B
RX+ details below!
WOD Brief
Strict Presses today before we add in the kip in our training for the day. The strict press today has a good deal of volume and is structured to bring us up to a heavy weight, and then go through two separate drop sets. Hugely valuable and worth the fight. Great way for a Monday!
The WOD – Sweep, a shout out to our NBK Rowing event crews that did both skulling and sweep rowing on the Chattahoochee. Next up we will be getting another event together for a BIG row on the water. We’ll use the ‘barge’ and afterwards move up to 8s. All are welcome!
First we will hit 5 hand stand pushups. These are kipping. If you don’t have these, no worries, we will work the best scale for you today that’ll help you develop the capacity and technique to do so in the future!
Doubleunders should be something we can do unbroken or close to it. Use these as a place to rest by jumping vertically stacked (avoid folding over as it reduces the room for air in your lunges!).
From there we go straight to the pull-up rig and get a few chest to bar pull-ups. Standard pull-ups are great here. We’ll end the round with 30 abmats.
All of this is one round, and we will have 20 minutes to go. This is a large amount of time with small reps per movement. This allows us to hit these more technical movements without hitting fatigue in that station, but over time things will get spicy.
The key to today is technique, electing the right movement for the day and pushing yourself.
RX+ will have the following updates:
HSPU with a 45# plate for the deficit onto dollamar. (If you prefer an abmat simply have a 45 + a 25lb plate ). Muscle-ups for the C2B (bar).
Have fun!
Box Brief
Build a hospital in Rwanda – Videos and media being posted beginning today, but we are helping a charity building a hospital in Rwanda. We are opening in December and will serve an area of hard working folks where the closest hospital is 20+ miles away. More to follow – fundraiser, charity competition, fun challenges, and more!
Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy. We’ll crosspost it with you.