WOD – Monday August 27th 2018


Snatch + OHS Complex

WOD – “Double Knot”

In a 15 minute window
Run 1 mile
9 Deadlift (115/80) (135/95)
7 Hang Power Snatch
5 Overhead Squat

WOD Brief

Fresh new week full of goodness. First off we have a Relay for Rwanda on Friday – if you want to hit 42,000m and help raise money for Rwanda, join in! We are building crews and will begin at 2pm. This will take some time, so you can join at the beginning or help after work. We’ll hit dinner Friday night. Note – it is Labor Day weekend, so we are going big!!

Today’s strength complex has us getting HEAVY. The weight will be limited to what you can combine together. Of course, we can and will adjust movements to fit your ability.

The WOD begins a with a FAST 1 mile run. We will sub AAB where needed.

After the run is completed, athletes will use the remaining time of 15 minutes to complete as many rounds of a deadlift (standard) -> hang power snatch -> overhead squat.

Some tips, you can DL anyway you like, but definitely suggest standard grip for the first 8, and then go Snatch grip DL for the 9th. The weight you select should be something you can manage well. Ideally we go unbroken on the OHS every round. If stability is a challenge (locked out overhead) we can move to a backsquat.

The AMRAP will be demanding hook grip, so be sure you secure those hands and keep that bar close.

Box Brief

Relay for Rwanda – 42,000m Row, Bike, Ski .. begins at 2pm. $10 donation for Rwanda. NBK Family Dinner afterwards!

Please donate to help us build a hospital in Rwanda – here is the link

September 15th we have our competition – the Rwanda Open, see workouts and details on our Facebook page.

Videos and media being posted beginning today, but we are helping a charity building a hospital in Rwanda. We are opening in December and will serve an area of hard working folks where the closest hospital is 20+ miles away. More to follow – fundraiser, charity competition, fun challenges, and more!

Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy. We’ll crosspost it with you.

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