WOD – Thursday October 4th 2018


Handstands, Walks and Taps


Pull up
30’ hsw
Toes to bar
100’ Sled push (90/60)

WOD Brief

Let’s work on being inverted and continue our progressions as we get gymnastics intensive today. Handstand walks demand that we have a base level of strength and balance. Everyone should initially be able to hold push up position and do shoulder taps from that position. As we have confidence here we’ll begin moving into a more vertical position – From there try to get into wall walk x3-5 reps at the top of the wall work on shoulder taps or just weight shifts (think moving hips over to the side) and be patient on taking hands off the ground. Taps are not meant to be for speed but as a strength effort to stack weight on a single arm. From here we will begin moving away from the wall; walking to the wall, and of course .. partner walks. Patience and steady in the progressions will deliver your best self here. Have fun!

The workout today has the repetitions going down from 10 to 1. We’ll complete 10 pull-ups, then the handstand walk – if you don’t have a handstand we’d like to do a reverse bear crawl at 60 feet (10 mats). The idea is to stay in a bear position – stacked, as this will create and engage the same muscles we are targeting in the handstand walk.

Toes to bar … wrap the bar, press with those lats, and keep nice clean lines.

Sled push – we’ll add weight – 2 45 lb plates for the gents, and 60 extra pounds on the sled for the ladies). Take the sled the length of the building, or halfway and back. This should be an aggressive drive. If you keep arms locked and stacked you’ll be in the same strength position from a handstand!

Box Brief

Rwanda Relay Shirts are in – pick up your shirt, you can pay at pick-up or we’ll run your card on file.

Able to donate and help build a hospital??  Please donate to help us build a hospital in Rwanda – here is the link

Videos and media being posted beginning today, but we are helping a charity building a hospital in Rwanda. We are opening in December and will serve an area of hard working folks where the closest hospital is 20+ miles away. More to follow – fundraiser, charity competition, fun challenges, and more!

Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy. We’ll crosspost it with you.

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