


Ring Dips 5 sets at 70% of Max Set of Dips


15 Min AMRAP

5 Power Snatch (135/95)

15/12 Cal Assault Bike

10 C2B


We are going to spend a large part of time today working on our ring dips! A very underutilized tool in our strength tool box. We will take 2-4 minutes to establish a max set of ring dips/or a difficult scale therein, and from there we will do five working sets at 70% of that max set. So for example, if you get 10 ring dips as your max effort set, you will then do five sets of seven reps, resting sufficiently between efforts.

From there, we have a spicy, spicy little metcon consisting of those power snatches that we crushed earlier in the week, the assault bike and chest to bar pull ups. OUCH! The power snatch weight ought to be something you can knock out singles of consistently and heavier than touch and go reps, for the assault bike, we are looking for you to go aggressively but not gassing yourself to the point where the pull ups are trash. 15 minutes is long enough to pace, but short enough to pace aggressively. Let’s crush this today and enjoy an extra valentines chocolate in it’s glory!

Box brief:

The Open is coming! Open workouts will take place every Friday starting in two weeks!

New hoodies/t-shirts are in stock-get one before they run out!

REFERRAL PROGRAM-Click herefor more information…bring friends and get free things!

Check in challenge continues! Check in to class and whoever checks in the most will win awesome swag, gift cards and more!

Able to donate and help build a hospital??  Please donate to help us build a hospital in Rwanda – here is the link

Rwanda fundraiser shirts are in…please pick them up next time you come to class!

Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy/Sarah. We’ll cross-post it with you.

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