Superset: 4 Rounds
A1: Back squats x 4 reps
A2: Strict Pull up AMRAP -2
WOD – “One on One”
100 Burpee Pull ups (RX+ Burpee Chest-to-Bar),
100 /70 Assault Bike cals
For time w/ a partner
WOD Brief
How you do anything is how you do everything. Linking heavy back squats with pull ups is a great opportunity to develop strength. Apply the same persistence in the pull-ups as you will coming out of a heavy squat. Focus on good positions in the squat and excellent shapes in the pull-ups. Skip the kip today.
The WOD should be done with a partner who will challenge you. Split the reps evenly, every 10/8 on the assault bike (these are all out sprints, so guys feeling spicy can get their sets done in 12-15 seconds each .. ladies closer to 22). Pull-ups are a full burpee to the ground, jump to the pull-up bar, dead hang, and then perform the pull-up. These are not jumping pull-ups, so be sure to make each rep good – you don’t want to have to drop and perform an extra burpee. Split these in 5s or 10s depending on your abilities.
All athletes must split reps evenly. If you can talk or walk for 10 minutes after this WOD, you didn’t go hard enough.
Friends-Giving November 16th – invite posted in community page
December 3rd – NBK Yoga class at LiveURYoga studio, sign-up online! 50% off savings. Focus is on CrossFit athlete problem areas
December 9th – Gymnastics Clinic by Power Monkey team and CrossFit Games Athlete (register online)
Holiday December Party – Beautiful Dinner and Social Event, to be announced