Joey carrying a 200# bag at Wodapalooza 2018
WOD – “Lean In”
Teams of 2
100 Cal assault
1k Sandbag carry
1k run
100 cal assault
For time
WOD Brief
Today’s WOD is an all out GO type of intensity! Hit the AAB in aggressive small chunks – 10/8 suggested calories, this is just go time. As soon as the bike is finished, the team may pickup the bag and begin the walk. This can be done in laps inside the building with the bag (end to end 32x) or outside 8x around the building. The run outside, if safe, or on the TRUE FORM! The run can be split up in any fashion, but 100m efforts at 80% would be great.
Finally, back on the bike for a max out effort to finish the WOD. If you can breath and feel normal within 10 minutes of finishing this workout, you saved too much.
No regrets today – the bag will smash your diaphragm, so just accept it. Squeeze those internal obliques and pecs on the carry. No arching your back (your back has no part in this carry unless you involve it). Long arms, squeeze your arms out extended and press against the bag (this will engage your pecs and the correct muscle structure for the carry). HAND the bag off to each other vs. dropping it and making your partner pick it up unnecessarily. Finally, when walking with the bag – walk “like a ninja”, meaning toes forward and they touch first on the walk.