Tuesday, January 30th 2018


EMOM w/ sandbag, GHD, and handstand progressions

WOD – “Legendary Explorers” 

750/500m ski
10 Sand bag over the shoulder (80/60)
400m run
200’ front rack carry(53/35)(2kb)

WOD Brief

Today’s warm-up and skill efforts are a treat. Really dial in technique and make these practice sessions in these movements. Farmer’s carry technique video on grip will be helpful. The sandbag work demands good form – hinge properly, using straight arms (no bicep curls), and then reset for the clean to over shoulder movement. Handstands – work your most difficult position and practice, ask questions, and leverage the EMOM to improve. We love EMOMs as they allow us to practice, get feedback, and re-try.

The WOD is a longer variety but that doesn’t mean you pace yourself. Move smartly, keep good form, and keep those KB high in that front rack. The length of NBK is 100′, so two laps. Place KB down to make them easier to pickup when you come back.

 Box Brief
Sponsor program – any new members’s you bring, 2nd month is 50% off for both of you! (As a Sponsor, you’ll work with the new member, train, and help them become better each day)
Nutrition Program is ongoing at this time – if you are interested in leaning out, this is your program. Free weeks are still remaining to get you started, no commitment.

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