Note: Schedule change for Saturday, OPEN Gym begins at 10:30am – Noon
Heavy Thrusters
WOD – “Sir Francis”
25/18 cal Assault Buy in
5 Thrusters 115/ 75
7 Pull ups
Rest 2 min
X 3
WOD Brief
Today we continue to build out our positions and strength. We have seen great PRs these past 4 months and we will continue to mixing WODs and movement specific strength/skill work. Today we get heavy, so take patience to build up weight and then get into heaviest working sets for each round of reps (yes add weight). Go Big today.
The WOD is designed to be done as a sprint out of the gate (90-92% effort), given the calorie buy-in you’ll need to challenge yourself to get off the bike and begin working through rounds of thrusters + pull-ups. This work will be completed in a 4 minute window. The 2 minute rest is enough to catch your breath and perfect for adjusting your strategy for rounds 2 and 3.
When we design workouts with planned rest at 50% less than the work time you will recover partially but not fully. It is designed to help us recover if we went a bit bezerker in the first round or if we were too casual in the bike or couplet.
Since there are only 3 rounds, we need to maximize our effort in each movement – find your breath and move your best at each station.
Please scale and adjust calories, reps, and weights to keep you MOVING. We will not be going softly into the weekend, but in fact with a roar.
Box Brief
High School Athletic Program has officially launched! Excited to be the headquarters for one of the leading athletic program in the State. Plus how fun will it be for us to train alongside these athletes!
Open GYM changes this weekend: Saturday OPEN gym begins at 10:30am. Coach Andy will be working with the AllSouth Team and a workout will be posted on the whiteboard for anyone looking for training aligned with NBK programming calendar. Keep an eye out for Sunday updates.
Highlight videos and training videos – we have been sharing them, if you have any fun ones you capture – please tag @CrossFitNBK and or send to Jimmy. We’ll crosspost it with you.